Plant species biomass estimates for 13 upland community types of northeastern minnesota / Lewis F.Ohmann and David F,Grigal
Grigal,David F Ohmann,Lewis F
Plant species biomass estimates for 13 upland community types of northeastern minnesota / Lewis F.Ohmann and David F,Grigal - United states North cCentral forest experiment station 1984 - 52p. - USDA resources bulletin NC .
Economic land energy
Natural resources - Plant resource - minnesota biomass estimates
Plant species biomass estimates for 13 upland community types of northeastern minnesota / Lewis F.Ohmann and David F,Grigal - United states North cCentral forest experiment station 1984 - 52p. - USDA resources bulletin NC .
Economic land energy
Natural resources - Plant resource - minnesota biomass estimates